Lanai Cat Sanctuary: Saving Cats and Birds in Hawaii
A Special Place for Cats and Birds
The Lanai Cat Sanctuary in Hawaii is much more than a safe place for cats. It's also a big help to the island's native and endangered birds. This story started way back in 2004 when some locals noticed the need to protect both the cats and the birds.
How It All Began
In 2004, some people on Lanai decided to help reduce the number of feral cats on the island. These cats were living all over and sometimes getting too close to the nests of endangered birds. Cat Carroll was a big part of this effort. She started by catching the stray cats and bringing them to a horse stable. There wasn’t even an animal shelter, rescue group, or vet on the island back then!
Growing into a Sanctuary
Since there was no vet on Lanai, people had to fly in from Maui to help spay and neuter the cats. By 2009, the project had become so big that a real sanctuary was built. They moved to a 25,000 square foot site. Now, the cats had a permanent home.
A New Home for Every Cat
At the sanctuary, stray cats from all around the island find a new home. Many of these cats are found near bird nesting areas. Twice a month, vets fly in to check on every cat. They make sure the cats are healthy, spayed, or neutered.
Protecting Birds, Too
By taking care of the cats, the sanctuary helps keep the birds safe. The cats have custom-built play areas with lots of places to climb, play, and nap. Anyone can visit the sanctuary and spend time with the cats. And if you fall in love with a particular cat, you can adopt it!