The Adventures of Camper, Leo, and Jack: From Sled Rides to Cat Trains
The Introduction
Have you ever seen a dog pulling his cat siblings around on a sled? Meet Camper, the dog who loves giving his cat siblings sled rides.
Leo's Beginnings
Leo, the original sledder, started by riding on a robot vacuum before moving on to skateboards and even the dog camper.
Camper's Turn
When winter came, Cat Dad Kevin took Leo out on the sled, and Camper wanted to be involved too. Camper took a turn at pulling the sled and loved it.
Leo's Fun Rides
Leo enjoys riding on various objects, making his family attach ropes and leashes to create makeshift sleds.
The Special Gift
For Christmas, Kevin and Cat Mom Trisha got Camper, Leo, and Jack a real snow sled, which they love using even without snow.
The Cat Train
Jack wanted to join the fun, turning the sled rides into a cat train, ensuring everyone gets to enjoy the adventure.
Follow more heartwarming adventures of Camper, Leo, and Jack on their tagged account for daily positivity! - Jen